Animaton & Tiled Frame Rendering
Tile Rendering while using V-Ray GPU is not functional at the moment. If you will be tiling your image, please set up your scene using an alternative (V-Ray CPU)
Your render Job consists of various Tasks. A task is a small piece of work assigned to a machine on the farm. These Tasks can be:
Frames of an animation, where each frame is a single task.
Regions of an image, where each region is a single task.
OR a combination of both where each animation frame is split up into regions further.
Time Limits
There is a time limit of 1 hour per task on the the Render Farm.
Ensure all tasks are below 1 hour. This can be achieved by introducing region-rendering if you are not using it, or increasing the amount of regions to distribute the render time over a larger amount of machines.
Animation Rendering
In the 3DS Max Render Settings, make sure you have set up the Range of Frames based on the timeline at the bottom of the 3DS Max Window.
… That’s it! Deadline will automatically handle splitting up each frame into its own Task for your Job. You can now move onto the next step..
Single Frame Multi-Region Rendering
If you are submitting an animation, each frame of the animation is automatically sequenced into its own Task for the Job. However, if you are submitting a large still-image render, you will have to manually split up your image to take advantage of the Render Farm by rendering out smaller regions of an image on each machine concurrently to save time. These will be combined in the end automatically.
There is a maximum render time of 1 hour per Task, please split up your image appropriately so all tasks may finish in time.
There are two ways to split up a rendering job, Jigsaw and Tiled. Jigsaw Rendering is ideal as you can split up your file to compensate for regions that are computationally intensive to optimise the time for each split, while Tile Rendering is an even split.
After you have entered your job details into the Deadline window, navigate to the Tiles tab in the Deadline window to set this up.
Tile Rendering
In the dropdown menu, Select “Single Frame, Multi-Region ‘Jigsaw’ Rendering – Single Job, Regions as Tasks.
Expand 'Tile Rendering' to find the tiling options.
Navigate to the “Active: ‘Jigsaw’” menu and click on [CREATE From…] Select the [Create from TILES GRID] option.
You should see the regions populate the region preview.
Jigsaw Rendering
Optimising your Jigsaw is incredibly important to create efficient rendering tasks. You can read more about it here:
Expand “Active: ‘Jigsaw’ Multi-Region Rendering" and start to divide up your scene.
Add/Fit New Regions here, it will default to adding a render region around the currently selected item, useful for isolating objects that might be computationally heavy, for example, those with expensive materials with transparencies and reflections.
Regions Preview, select and manipulate these from the menu above it
Region Manipulation can be done here via entering in values
Regions can be manipulated via the viewport as well, with a region selected you can use the green handles to transform the region. It it will snap to corners of other regions.
A useful way to approach Jigsaw Rendering is to start from tiles first, and then manipulate the regions afterwards via adding/transforming/deleting regions.
Encountering issues?
If you encounter any issues please see the troubleshooting section first. If your issue is not resolvable with the information provided here please log it with Stop1.
Please note that any issues with the Render Farm must be lodged via Stop1 for us to be able to process. Thank you for your help in establishing and making this new service more robust; We can only fix problems that we know about. So please log any issues you encounter with Stop1.
Last updated