Platforms (Hardware)
This article introduces AR Platforms available at the Next Lab.
There are two types of platforms that you can use to access the AR technology and develop content: handheld devices such as mobile phones or Microsoft Hololens headsets. The Next Lab has several Hololens headsets available for loan through RefTab (students need to undertake a Mixed Reality Induction prior to loaning out this equipment).
Using software such as Unity and Unreal using the Vuforia AR Engine, AR applications can also be developed for iOS and Android.
These different platforms have different intended uses, as well as different limits in their compatibility and requirements. They also have different inherent functionality, advantages, disadvantages.
Most students will loan out a Microsoft HoloLens in order to use Fologram.
Available platforms:
Primary Intended Use
Fologram for Rhino
Fologram for Grasshopper
• Viewing Rhino geometry in AR • Mapping and Designing using Tracking Components in AR
• Fabricating Rhino and Grasshopper Geometries without the need for plans and sections
• AR content creation
Fologram for Mobile
• Viewing Rhino geometry in AR
• Fabricating Rhino and Grasshopper Geometries without the need for plans and sections
• AR content creation
Articles in this section:
Microsoft HololensMobileSoftware PackagesLast updated
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