3D Printing Workflow

Detailed guides for integrating 3D Printing in design and workflows.

This series of articles is our Ultimate Guide to 3D printing. The best 3D printed outcomes are the result of considerations made before even encountering the 3D printer. Designing and modelling for the technology will allow you to unlock its full potential. You may either have an existing digital model able to be adapted into a 3D-print-ready model, or a design idea in mind that you would like to model with 3D-printing in mind from the start.

FDM 3D Printing Overview

As with all tools, it is important to understand how the functions of a 3D printer can impact the possibilities of your printed geometry. The diagram below shows the key elements of a 3D print. For the most optimal result, the following capabilities and limitations should be thoroughly considered when designing a model.

Introduction to 3D Printing & The Print Farm

Complete on our Training LMS.

Design Approaches

"I have an existing model/design!" - Great! To get the best results from 3D printing, you will have to convert your model, so save a copy of the model and get started. It is very likely that you already have a type of model in mind, but this article will give you a general overview and help you refine your approach.

"I do not have an existing model yet!" - Before preparing a model file, you should set out a clear goal for your outcomes. Decide on how and what you want to do through this article.

To get started, click on the link below.

Design Approaches

Design Guidelines and Parameters

3D Printing is not without constraints. Understand the parameters that you will have to consider depending on your design approach.

To get started, click on the link below.

Modelling Guidelines

3D Printing Process

Step One: Preparing your model in Rhino 3D

3D Printing Mesh Preparation

Step Two: Master Makerbot Print and printing settings

Slicing & Settings

Step Three: Navigating, submitting and editing your request in Makerbot Innovation Centre

Submitting a Print Request

Step Four: Emails are sent out if your job is on hold, contains errors or is completed and ready to pick up

Post-Submission: Updating, Paying & Collecting

Last updated