Unreal Engine

Starting a New Project



User Interface & Importing


  1. To navigate:

    1. Click and hold your right mouse button to move the camera.

    2. Use the scroll wheel to zoom.

    3. Use the [W] [A] [S] [D] keys to move around the scene.

    4. We recommend a camera speed of 5.

  2. FBX Import Options:

    1. Deselect auto generate collisions.

    2. Untick Generate Lightmap UV's.

    3. Make sure the Import Uniform Scale is set to 1.

    4. Untick Import Materials and Import Textures.


Placing Objects


  1. Transform tools; found in the top right hand corner of the viewport.

    1. Move [E]

    2. Rotate [R]

    3. Scale [W]

    4. Whether the Gizmo is Object or World-based

    5. Grid Snapping On/Off and Grid Sizing

    6. Rotation Snapping On/Off and Rotational increments.

    7. Scale Snapping On/Off and Scale increments.

Starter Content Materials


  1. To apply a material to an object simply drag the material from the content browser onto the object.


Creating Basic Materials


  1. Adjust UVWs on the texture coordinate node with U and V tiling. The smaller the number, the larger the tiles. The larger the number, the smaller the tiles.


Creating Materials from Textures


  1. Opacity channel controls the translucency of the material.

    1. 0 = Transparent

    2. 1 = Opaque


Lighting & Lighting Builds


  1. You can also adjust the direction of the light by using the transformation tools.

  2. There are two main lights; a spot light and a point light.

  3. The third is a; Directional Sky-Light AKA. Sun

    1. Like the other lights, this can be adjusted using the rotation tool. This will change the angle of the sun.

    2. The directional light is also connected to the skysphere that creates the sky. In the world outliner, it is called SkySphereBlueprint.

    3. Every time you move the directional light you need to refresh to sky sphere.

  4. You can build the lighting separately by clicking the [dropdown arrow] on the build button and selection [build lighting only].

    1. The medium quality setting should suffice for most uses.

  5. You can still work while your lighting is building.


VR Camera & Navigation


  1. Enable collisions on the floor by adding a box simplified collision to the static mesh.

  2. Drag and Drop the HTC Vive Camera into the scene

    1. Found in the [Virtual Reality Blueprint > Blueprints > Motion Controller Pawn].

  3. Change the camera to Auto Possess Player 0.

  4. Correct your Nav Mesh Bounds with a manual scale operation.

  5. VR Preview will work only if your headset is connected.

Packaging the Project


  1. Script Escape key as quit function.

  2. Adjusting the project settings;

    1. Always provide an appropriate Project Name.

    2. Make sure start in VR is ticked.

    3. Make sure game default map is correct.

    4. Make sure Windows is a supported platform.

  3. Package

    1. File > Package Project > Windows and then Windows 64bit.

    2. This can take some time.

  4. To transfer your application to a new computer copy the entire folder named WindowsNoEditor.


Last updated