Leica BLK360

Terrestrial Scanning for Buildings and Environments.

The Leica BLK360 Laser Scanner is a very portable, lightweight terrestrial scanner. It uses a rotating + spinning laser with time-of-light technology to directly capture an environment. Chain together a series of these scans to generate accurate colour point cloud data.

Get Started

The Kit

The University's Leica BLK360 comes with a few accessories, stored in a backpack. Please ensure you have all the items upon borrowing, and upon return:

  • Leica BLK360 Laser Scanner + Battery + Housing case

  • Battery Charger + 1x Extra Battery

  • Car charging cable

  • Tripod Mount

  • iPad + Charging Cable + Power Adapter

There is a separate processing laptop that can be checked out when you are ready to process your scans using the desktop client, Cyclone Register 360.

Scanning Parameters




+- 4mm


+- 8mm


Evaluate + Plan

For any 3D scanning project, it is best to plan out how you will approach the scanning - where to best take the scans, how many scans as an indicator of time, scan quality, and more. Follow our Benchmarking guide here:

BLK360 Benchmark


Alongside the Leica BLK360 scanner, it requires two pieces of software:

CYCLONE FIELD 360 installed on an iPad to remotely control the scanner.

CYCLONE REGISTER PLUS on a desktop/laptop for processing and exporting.

Scan, Register, Process

1. Scan

Take the BLK360 and iPad on-site to scan your environment using CYCLONE FIELD 360.

2. Register

Registration is the process of aligning each scan together, this can be done through the iPad using CYCLONE FIELD 360 as you are scanning. Alternatively, on the desktop with CYCLONE REGISTER PLUS.

We recommend aligning through the iPad.

3. Process

For further clean-up of the point cloud, sectioning and exporting out a point cloud file for use in other software or workflows.

Last updated