Fologram for Hololens
Ensure your Rhino/GH machine and Hololens are on the same wi-fi network.
Launch the Application
Launch the Fologram application through the Start Menu.
Connect to Rhino/Grasshopper
Upon launching, you will be immediately prompted to scan a QR code to connect to a Rhino session. Look at the QR code generated in Rhino. Refer to Fologram for Rhino page for more details.
Model Placement/Snapping
Upon successful connection to Rhino, Fologram will be prompted to set the origin point of the holographic scene. This is tied to the origin point of the Rhino scene. The Hololens intermittently scans and maps a very rough 3D representation of your immediate environment. This allows you to roughly snap to surfaces. For the most part, this is perfectly acceptable.
The Fologram Menu gives you further manipulation if required.
Navigation and Interaction
Fologram only uses [air tapping] for interaction.
Fologram Menu
Tap and hold to bring up the Fologram Menu. This menu gives you access to the following functions:
Last updated