Operational Health & Safety
Malfunctions & Physical Failures
It is a good idea to test the Robot Dog on a relatively flat and unobstructed area to confirm it is operating as expected.
Look out for the any signs that the Robot Dog is not behaving correctly - obvious signs are limbs spasming or the inability to walk, more subtle signs are unsteady movement or misaligned limbs.
DO NOT try to every try to physically restrain or control the robot.
If there are any doubts about its operation, please stop your session when safe to do so and reach out to NExT Lab.
If the Robot Dog cannot stand up from its prone position, immediately shut-down with the appropriate procedures.
USE the provided emergency stop (damping commands) provided by the (preferred) Controller and (secondary) App.
General Safety
Maintain a safe distance of at least 2 meters from obstacles, water, crowds, and other hazards during operation.
Ensure obstacle avoidance is turned on when operating the robot to reduce chances of damage.
Only operate between 5°C and 35°C, avoiding inclement weather such as fog, snow, or rain.
Avoid low-friction (ice) or soft ground (e.g., spongy surfaces), as well as wet or dusty environments.
Replace the foot-end pads if they are worn out to prevent damage to the robot's movement or foot malfunction.
Handling and Lifting
Do not lift the robot after it is powered on to avoid unanticipated movements or damage.
Avoid sudden or strong pushes or kicks, as this may cause the robot to fall or malfunction.
Keep fingers away from joints; pinch points may cause injury
The robot weighs 15kg, lift with another person if required.
Packing and unpacking
Lift the robot using the strap provided on its back and remove accessories carefully
Ensure the robot is placed on a flat surface in the correct alignment for startup.
Rotate the robot's legs to the correct position before packing, and ensure the robot is placed in the box securely to prevent damage.
Place the box face up on a flat surface, then open the upper box.
Lift the robot out of the box by using the strap, and remove the accessories from the box in order. After learning how to use the robot correctly, place the quadruped robot flat on a level surface and prepare it for power-up.
Preparation for packing: Rotate the legs of the quadruped robot to the position shown in the manual, or on the page linked below.
After completing the preparatory work for packing, load the quadruped robot into the lower box.
After the quadruped robot is loaded, put the battery and charger into the corresponding positions to ensure that none of the parts will fall out when the upper box is closed.
Refer to this link for detailed instructions on robot set up
Battery Handling
Insert the battery correctly into the robot, ensuring the power switch faces upwards.
Make sure the robot is in a static standing position before turning off to avoid damage during shutdown.
Surveillance needed when battery is charging to prevent overheating / fire. Thus do not charge overnight.
Last updated
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