2D Targets (Image Targets)

Image Targets

Image Targets refer to 2D images which Vuforia can recognise and track. These image targets work in a similar way to QR codes, but full colour images can be used.

Image Requirements

The Vuforia Target Manager supports .jpg and .png images that are 2 MB or smaller. These images can be RGB or Grayscale. The features of the image are graded based on how well the engine is able to track them. Learn more here:


The basic workflow for working with Image Targets is as follows:

  1. Upload the image to the Vuforia Target Manager online. You can also use one of the sample Image Targets.

  2. Download the updated Target Manager Database.

  3. Add the image target to your project in Unity

    1. Add the Device Database

    2. Add and Configure the Image Target as a GameObject

      1. Add an ARCamera

      2. Add an ImageTarget

      3. Assign Content to the ImageTarget

Image Recognition in Unity

The basic workflow within Unity is extremely similar to that of 3D (Object) Targets.

Add a Device Database

If you haven't already, download the device database from your Vuforia Target Manager.

Import the .unitypackage file by heading to Asset > Import Package

See: Device Databases

Add and Configure the GameObject

  1. Add an ARCamera instance to your scene. GameObject > Vuforia > ARCamera

  2. Generate and add your license information to the ARCamera in the Inspector Window

  3. Add an ImageTarget instance to your scene. GameObject > Vuforia > 3D Scan

  4. Change the Image Target Behaviour. With the ImageTarget selected, change the Type, Database and Image Target fields in the Inspector Window

Add Content to the GameObject

  1. Add any content you desire to augment the image. This can be 2d content such as text or 3d assets such as .FBX files. In this case, we have named our content Cube.

  2. Make the content a child of the ImageTarget. This way the content will only be displayed once the ImageTarget is recongnised.

Testing Outcomes

Use the Play button in the toolbar to test the application.

Last updated