Fologram for Mobile
Installing Fologram for Mobile on Android
Follow the steps below to install Fologram for Mobile on Android. Fologram for Android is currently in pre-release. Features, support and pricing may change with public release.
Check your device supports ARCore
Fologram for Android requires a device that supports the ARCore framework. You can check if your device is supported on the ARCore Supported Devices list from Google. While you will be able to install ARCore and Fologram for Android on some older supported devices, newer phones and tablets offer significant improvements in performance and experience.
Sign up for the Fologram for Android Beta and install
Go to and sign up. Once you have confirmed your email you will receive a link to the Pre-release app on Google Play. You can use this link to download and install Fologram for Android directly from your mobile or from a linked account on a PC.
Update your device and install ARCore
On your phone, tap on the Fologram icon on your home screen to launch Fologram for Android. You may be prompted to install the ARCore framework, tap Yes and update Android if required.
When Fologram launches for the first time your device will prompt you for camera permissions in order to begin scanning for connection QR codes. Tap Yes to grant permissions.
Streaming Models with Fologram for Mobile
Connecting to Fologram for Rhino
On your PC, Follow the steps to install Fologram for Rhino if you haven't already done so.
On your PC, Launch Rhino and start Fologram.
On your phone, ensure you are connected to the same WiFi network as your PC running Rhino.
When you see the video stream and 'look at the QR code' prompt, point your phone's camera at the QR code displayed on your PC to connect.
For best results hold your phone steady and try to avoid glare and reflections on the PC screen when connecting.
Detecting surfaces and placing models
Once you have connected to Fologram for Rhino, Fologram will use your phone camera to begin detecting surfaces for model placement. Look around the room with your phone to assist with this process. Detected surfaces will be displayed on your mobile as a triangular grid.
Note: black and blank surfaces can be difficult to detect. It may take some time to detect surfaces on older devices.
Tap on any point on a detected surface to place the 0,0,0 point of your Rhino model.
Make sure your model is at an appropriate scale (e.g. a size that can be seen through your phone)! You can follow this guide for help with setting up a model for mixed reality.
Shared Experiences with Fologram for Mobile
Connecting multiple devices
You can add multiple devices (phones or headsets) to an experience by clicking the Add Device button in Fologram for Rhino. Ensure that any devices you wish to connect are on the same WiFi network as your PC.
Any changes made in Rhino will be updated on all connected devices, and Fologram for Grasshopper will detect all device events (taps, drags or device position changes).
Creating shared experiences
Use the Fologram Image Target to create shared experiences in which holograms appear in the same location for multiple devices.
On mobile, simply point your phone camera at the Fologram Image target and hold your device steady to place the 0,0,0 point of your model on the image target. Repeat for all connected mobile devices.
On HoloLens, open the Fologram for HoloLens menu and go to Trackers -> Place with Image Target. Look at the Image target when prompted to place your model.
Fologram for HoloLens will automatically synchronize the position of holograms across multiple headsets.
Maintaining tracking
As you move further away from the image target you will notice that holograms begin to drift from their original position in the room. You may need to occasionally re-place your model using the steps outlined above.
Moving, transparent, black or blank environments can also have a negative impact on tracking performance.
Last updated
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