Meta Quest 3
Please make sure your Graphics Drivers are up to date.
It is recommended to close Local Presentations or exit Twinmotion before connecting a VR headset to the computer.
Please make sure you have the USB-C 3.2 cable supporting 5GBs or higher throughput.
Meta Quest 3
Wired Setup
From the computer:
Install Meta Quest Link on your computer.
Connect the VR headset to your computer via USB-C cable.
Open Quest Link on your computer
Navigate to settings and ensure the following settings are correct:
From the headset:
Hover and select Quick Settings.
Click on Quest Link.
If you are unable to see the "Quest Link" button, navigate to settings
Search "quest link"
Click on the quest link tab and enable by clicking the toggle so it is blue
Once you have clicked on Quest Link, disable "air-link"
Your computer will either automatically connect or show up on the list of available device. Click 'Launch'.
If you are unable to see your device, restart the headset
The Quest Link interface will open your the VR headset
Last updated