Render Job Setup
If you are using any plugins that are not native to 3DS Max or MassFX, please check out this page first:
Working with PluginsSet up your Render Output in 3DS Max
Back in 3DS Max, go into the Render Setup (Shortcut: F10), and make sure your render is set up correctly. If you have performed your test renders previously, this should all be set up already.
Under “Render Output” click on ‘Files”.
In the pop-up window, navigate to This PC > RenderOutput (R:). This will bring you to the folders made in the previous step. Simply type a file name (typically .png, .jpeg and .tiff for image files), then press save.
Animation sequences will always be numbered at the end of the file name. If you wish to date or number your files, put it at the start of the name so it does not interfere with the numbering.
Set up Render Element Outputs
Remember that if you need to output your Render Elements – you will also have to specify a file output path. For example; if you are using VRay, this can be found under the V-Ray > Frame Buffer tab near the bottom of the menu.
Once you are done with this, you are ready to submit your job for Rendering via Deadline!
Next Steps
If you are using Corona Render, please follow the additional set up instructions
Corona RenderOtherwise head over to the next step; Submitting a Job For Rendering.
Render Job SubmissionEncountering issues?
If you encounter any issues please see the troubleshooting section first. If your issue is not resolvable with the information provided here please log it with Stop1.
Please note that any issues with the Render Farm must be lodged via Stop1 for us to be able to process. Thank you for your help in establishing and making this new service more robust; We can only fix problems that we know about. So please log any issues you encounter with Stop1.
Last updated