
CloudPrint is a Slicing Software used to generate a print path from a mesh geometry.


At the NExT Lab, we use Makerbot printers and besides Makerbot Print, we can also use Cloud Print to generate these files.

Access Cloud Print here.

Please ensure that you have made an account with Makerbot.

You will be using the export-only workflow, ignore everything else about adding printers and the workspace - use Print Preparation in the top left.

Adding a Printer in Cloud Print

Normally, you will connect to the printer via an internet network, but when submitting through the NExT Lab, you will be only preparing the files while we manage the printing for you so all you have to do is to setup an offline printer to simulate this workflow.

Add an unconnected printer via the button at the top of the screen. At the NExT Lab, we use Replicator+, Replicator Z18 or Method Printers.

Once you have added the printers, Select the printer you wish to use - you will see this reflected in the build plate size and volume box.

If you are printing with the Makerbot Method, please follow this guide as usual as well as the appended Makerbot Method section below.

Setting Up Build Plates

Build plates are a representation of the print area of the Makerbot Printers. This is where you organise your files as this will determine how they ultimately print.

[UPLOAD] your .stl files OR .thing files. You can also drag and drop your files into the canvas.

Build Plate Tools

If you need to adjust the location, rotation, scale and/or orientation of any of your models, this can be done using the suite of tools located at the bottom of the screen.

With an object selected, you can use any of the tools to manipulate it from the viewport or inputting values. Hovering any of the tools will produce a handy tooltip describing what the tool does.

Adding Helper Disks

Using sacrificial helper disks will also help to prevent warping. These disks should be placed at the corners of your models. Take care not to intersect them with the model!

If you want to read up more on warping, check out this page:

Combating Warping

Multiple Build Plates

Unlike Makerbot Print, Cloud Print only does a single build plate at a time. Therefore, if you are doing multiple build plates, you will need to save each build plate as a .thing project file.

Download and use our default print settings.

Adjusting Print Settings

Quick Settings

Depending on the version of the Makerbot software that you are using, these settings are similar:

  1. Set the Extruder to [Smart Extruder +]

  2. Choose the [Balanced] print mode, and enable [Support Type > Breakaway Support]

Custom Settings

Refer to the following article to understand the nuances of the settings and how you might make use of them, you can always book a consultation with us to discuss options as well.

Adjusting Print Settings

Generate a Preview

Once your build plate is arranged, generate a print preview, and get a print estimate. You will need to do this for each buildplate individually. Take note of the Material Usage Estimates; these details are important for submitting a print request. The filament usage estimate can be used to get a rough idea of cost.


Filenames cannot have spaces in them. Use an underscore ( _ ) instead.

Makerbot Files

Your file is now ready to be sent off to the printers. Export by heading to the 3 dots next to the PRINT button. These will encode the build plate into 3D printing instructions for the printers in a .makerbot file.

Every build plate will need its own generated .makerbot file. These files tell the machines what to print, without them, there will be nothing to print!

Each .makerbot file needs to follow the following naming convention: (Time for this file)_(JobNumber of TotalJobs)_(VersionNumber).makerbot e.g. 8hr_5of8_v1 e.g. 2hr43_1of1_v3 e.g. 43m_2of5_v4

You must adhere to the above convention, but you may supplement it with a filename: e.g. 8hr_5of8_towerCBD_v3

With a single .print file exported, and a .makerbot file for each build plate, you are now ready to submit your 3D printing request, please head over to the next step.

Submitting a Print Request

Makerbot Method

Specifically for the Makerbot Method, the slicing software provides the following extended options for the Dual Material extrusion.

Standard Printing

You can slice as normal with the following settings:

Extruder 1: 1A - PLA Support type: Breakaway Support

Printing with Dissolvable Supports

There will be a part of the print bed that will be dedicated for the Purge Tower; this is an automatic process where the extruder 'cleans' itself before interchanging materials.

Extruder 1: 1A - PLA Extruder 2: 2A - PVA Ensure the Support Type is set to Dissolvable Support to make use of the dissolvable material.

Last updated