
The Wetworks is a space within the Maker Spaces used for casting, plastering, concreting and other wet activities.


To access the Wetworks you must complete the following:

After completing the requirements above you can book a time to use the Wetworks.

Opening hours

10:00am to 4:30pm Monday - Friday.

Booking Required for access. Please speak to the Guru to make a booking.

Wetworks Etiquette

The Wetworks is one of the only Maker Spaces which for the most part is not staffed (other than the Guru). Therefore, it is largely up to you to take care of the equipment, yourself and the space while using it. Please take pride in this work area and make sure you follow our guidelines on how to use the space correctly.

Important rules

  • Check in with the Guru when you arrive. Let them know what sort of process you will be undertaking and what materials you will be using. You must leave your student card at the front desk for the duration of your booking.

  • Use appropriate PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) when working with hazardous materials. PPE can be found in the glass cupboards in the Model Making Room, ask the Guru if you are unsure.

  • Enclosed shoes MUST be worn.

  • Electrical equipment should be used with caution; assess the risk of electrical equipment interacting with nearby water or wet materials before using electrical tools.

  • Ensure the space is clean and tidy after you have finished using the Wetworks. This includes all tools you have used have been cleaned & put away, and the sink has been emptied & strainer cleaned.

  • If storing any items on the shelves, you must clearly label all works with your name, contact number and intended date of pick-up. Any work left unlabelled or past their date of pick up will be moved to the outdoor palette and are liable to be thrown out. The guru will conduct a weekly check to ensure the shelves are being used correctly.

  • Any work left on the ground (in an un-allocated space) at the end of the day will be moved to the outdoor palette and is liable to be thrown out.

  • Speak to the Guru if you need assistance with where to store your work.

  • Always seek staff assistance when in doubt or if injured.

Checklist leaving the space

Last updated

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